Tattoo Permissions and Commissions

Hey, that rhymed!
Prices are in USD


Tattoo Permission$15 
Tattoo Design Sketch$15 
Tattoo Design Ink (Black and White)$20 small$30 large
Tattoo Design Ink (Colored Lines)$25 small$38 large

Just Some Things...

You are welcome to purchase tattoo permission from me at any time, even when there are no slots open for regular commissions. Permissions are for any preexisting piece by me that you'd like to have tattooed. Let me know if you purchased a permission and would like any minor alterations to make it easier to translate into tattoo form.
The only designs that I won't give permissions for are those which include my signature (seven-pointed star in circle), and the serial number tattoos which are depicted on several of my characters. Please for the love of everything good don't tattoo serial prison numbers on yourself.
I'm going to make the designs available for permission purchase after the commission is complete and you've gotten your tattoo, unless you tell me explicitly not to, so if you would prefer to keep the tattoo personal please tell me.
If you're looking for a Medusa tattoo, please come message me first! I'll gladly design or give you permission for free.


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